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Ucenter Dress 2 piece outfits for homecoming

Three years ago I moved from one side of the globe to the other while 12 weeks pregnant, to be closer to my father in law in end stage heart failure. This is the self-care toolkit that helped me stay on my feet. Tune in to hear how to build yours. Use the Vitality Wheel framework I shared yesterday as inspiration for your primer statements. Ucenter Dress 2 piece outfits for homecoming

Beaming you love,
Suz xx


PS three days of my Self-Care Week left. Let me know if you have any unanswered questions!

# selfcarerevolution # healthyhabits # fitfam # maternalmhmatters # motherhood # mummyblogger # keepingmummighty

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-1:01 More Settings Click for morePosted by Suzy Reading: Psychology and Yoga 220 Views