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vintage Victoria style garments for prom

This isn't so much a "political" but a socio-cultural observation. (Let me know please if not the appropriate forum). Saw on today people are going ballistic over Zac Efron in dreadlocks (they don't even really look much like dreadlocks to me). So my thoughts are:
1. Not likely to be a political statement
2. Not likely he's making fun of those who wear them. His caption on social media with the photo was "for fun"
3. No one crapped a brick when Bo Derek wore cornrows in "10", but according to the same article people are ready to burn Kim Kardashian at the stake for wearing them.

The phrase being thrown around is "cultural appropriation"

Evidently Caucasians sporting minorities' cultural styles are fielding no small amount of criticism. I saw the exact same phenomenon when there was outrage over a white girl wearing a lovely Asian dress she picked up at a vintage clothing shop to wear to her prom. Social media trolls attacked her as though she stole Queen Victoria's crown to wear to the prom. She can't even plead ignorance (She didn't know it was a ceremonial garment....vintage clothing stores want your money, not to provide social studies lessons), as comments included "you should have known". vintage Victoria style garments for prom

So the questions here are, can whites claim "no harm intended...should mean no foul"? Are there instances of Caucasian folks overreacting to a black female wearing a blonde wig? No one lost it over Alfonso Ribeiro's "Carlton"...yes, I'm advertising my age with these examples, yet that begs another question....would those examples get roasted today?