// JavaScript Document jQuery(window).load(function () { if (jQuery('#slider').length) { // implies *not* zero jQuery('#slider').nivoSlider({ afterChange: function(){ jQuery('.nivoSliderimg img').css('border:10px red; border-radius: 6px; -o-border-radius: 6px; -ms-border-radius: 6px; -moz-border-radius: 6px; -webkit-border-radius: 6px;') } // Triggers after a slide transition }); } jQuery('.mobile-menu select').change(function(e){ window.location = jQuery(this).val() }) jQuery('.mobile-menu .mob-sub').hide(); var winWidth = jQuery(window).width() if (winWidth > 767){ // To ensure that the sidebar sticks to the bottom of the page // we calculate the height of the tallest object and match the // sidebar to it. var height1 = jQuery('.eightcol').height() var height2 = jQuery('html').height() var height3 = jQuery("#sidebar-container").height() var height4 = jQuery(window).height() /* Tab Shortcode Fix Because all tabbed content loads stacked this throws off the height of the .eightcol and html elements so we need to subtract the extra height added by the stacked tabbed content. Once we have that we can reset the hight values of html and .eightcol correctly. We will need to figure out the tallest of all the tabbed content elements and add that back into the total height of .eightcol and html ONLY do this if we are using the tab shortcode. */ if (jQuery('.tabcontent').length) { var max = 0; var numtotal = 0; // Loop through all .tabcontent classes and get the tallest tab. jQuery('.tabcontent').each(function(){ var num = jQuery(this).height() // Track total height of all tabs so we can subtract later numtotal = numtotal + num; if(num > max) { max = num; } }); // Substract the total height of all .tabcontent from .eightcol and html // then add in only the lattest .tabcontent. height1 = height1 - numtotal; height1 = height1 + max; height2 = height2 - numtotal; height2 = height2 + max; }; // Function to get the Max value in Array Array.max = function( array ){ return Math.max.apply( Math, array ); }; var maxheight = Array.max([height1,height2,height3,height4]) if (height3 < maxheight) { //jQuery("#sidebar").height(maxheight) jQuery("#sidebar").css('height', maxheight + 'px'); } }else{ jQuery("#sidebar").css("height","auto") } jQuery(window).resize(function() { var winWidth = jQuery(window).width() if (winWidth > 767){ var height1 = jQuery('.eightcol').height() var height2 = jQuery('html').height() var height3 = jQuery("#sidebar-container").height() var height4 = jQuery(window).height() // Function to get the Max value in Array Array.max = function( array ){ return Math.max.apply( Math, array ); }; var maxheight = Array.max([height1,height2,height3,height4]) //console&&console.log('maxheight ' + maxheight); if (height3 < maxheight) { jQuery("#sidebar").css('height', maxheight + 'px'); } }else{ jQuery("#sidebar").css("height","auto") } }); }); jQuery(document).ready(function(){ var height3 = jQuery("#sidebar-container").height() }); /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 18:58:44 Jul 07, 2016 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 06:23:17 Dec 27, 2018. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): LoadShardBlock: 116.804 (3) esindex: 0.009 captures_list: 131.037 CDXLines.iter: 10.107 (3) PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 141.939 (4) exclusion.robots: 0.269 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.257 RedisCDXSource: 1.441 PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 123.716 load_resource: 182.991 *load(function () { if (jQuery('#slider').length) { // implies *not* zero jQuery('#slider').nivoSlider({ afterChange: function(){ jQuery('.nivoSliderimg img').css('border:10px red; border-radius: 6px; -o-border-radius: 6px; -ms-border-radius: 6px; -moz-border-radius: 6px; -webkit-border-radius: 6px;') } // Triggers after a slide transition }); } jQuery('.mobile-menu select').change(function(e){ window.location = jQuery(this).val() }) jQuery('.mobile-menu .mob-sub').hide(); var winWidth = jQuery(window).width() if (winWidth > 767){ // To ensure that the sidebar sticks to the bottom of the page // we calculate the height of the tallest object and match the // sidebar to it. var height1 = jQuery('.eightcol').height() var height2 = jQuery('html').height() var height3 = jQuery("#sidebar-container").height() var height4 = jQuery(window).height() /* Tab Shortcode Fix Because all tabbed content loads stacked this throws off the height of the .eightcol and html elements so we need to subtract the extra height added by the stacked tabbed content. Once we have that we can reset the hight values of html and .eightcol correctly. We will need to figure out the tallest of all the tabbed content elements and add that back into the total height of .eightcol and html ONLY do this if we are using the tab shortcode. */ if (jQuery('.tabcontent').length) { var max = 0; var numtotal = 0; // Loop through all .tabcontent classes and get the tallest tab. jQuery('.tabcontent').each(function(){ var num = jQuery(this).height() // Track total height of all tabs so we can subtract later numtotal = numtotal + num; if(num > max) { max = num; } }); // Substract the total height of all .tabcontent from .eightcol and html // then add in only the lattest .tabcontent. height1 = height1 - numtotal; height1 = height1 + max; height2 = height2 - numtotal; height2 = height2 + max; }; // Function to get the Max value in Array Array.max = function( array ){ return Math.max.apply( Math, array ); }; var maxheight = Array.max([height1,height2,height3,height4]) if (height3 < maxheight) { //jQuery("#sidebar").height(maxheight) jQuery("#sidebar").css('height', maxheight + 'px'); } }else{ jQuery("#sidebar").css("height","auto") } jQuery(window).resize(function() { var winWidth = jQuery(window).width() if (winWidth > 767){ var height1 = jQuery('.eightcol').height() var height2 = jQuery('html').height() var height3 = jQuery("#sidebar-container").height() var height4 = jQuery(window).height() // Function to get the Max value in Array Array.max = function( array ){ return Math.max.apply( Math, array ); }; var maxheight = Array.max([height1,height2,height3,height4]) //console&&console.log('maxheight ' + maxheight); if (height3 < maxheight) { jQuery("#sidebar").css('height', maxheight + 'px'); } }else{ jQuery("#sidebar").css("height","auto") } }); }); jQuery(document).ready(function(){ var height3 = jQuery("#sidebar-container").height() }); /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 18:58:44 Jul 07, 2016 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 06:23:17 Dec 27, 2018. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): LoadShardBlock: 116.804 (3) esindex: 0.009 captures_list: 131.037 CDXLines.iter: 10.107 (3) PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 141.939 (4) exclusion.robots: 0.269 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.257 RedisCDXSource: 1.441 PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 123.716 load_resource: 182.991 */